Do you have your domain name registered with one company, hosting with another,1 or more web designers, and a different online marketing company? Why try to keep up with what’s due when and how much to pay. Put a stop to all that worrying. We can move it all to one place for free. Our hosting and domain name is only $250.00 per year

Reach your targeted audience through Social Media Channels

Rank higher in Search Engines using our expertised SEO techniques

Use quality content to educate your customers and build Brand

Convert Your Visitors Into Leads And Then Customers
We work with major Social Media Platforms
INCREASE YOUR REVENUES WITH OUR DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY. We make it easy for you. One company for Web Design - Domain Name - Hosting - Online Marketing

We create a winning strategy to establish your objectives and goals.
One of the core concepts in the digital marketing industry is the sales funnel. While odd sounding at first, this single core concept can take a business from virtually non-existent and unknown to multi-million-dollar marketing machine.
With Sales Funnel you can address customer’s key needs and deliver the right message at the right time, scale their sales process, forecast their sales and revenue, and hit their goals.

Responsive Web Design
Net Marketing Plans offers premium web design services to help grow and maintain your business’s online presence. Our number 1 concern is to design a website that is in line with your business’s marketing goals. Our web designers spend a great deal of time making sure your website is user friendly and makes a great first impression. Making sure a website design generates traffic and drives growth isn’t just about the aesthetics. Net Marketing Plans offers top quality search engine optimization service to make sure your website ranks towards the top and stays there.
1st PAGE OF GOOGLE Search Engine Optimization
SEO is about understanding what people are searching for online, the answers they are seeking, the words they’re using, and the type of content they wish to consume. Knowing the answers to these questions will allow you to connect to the people who are searching online for the solutions you offer. Ranking higher in Search Engines makes your Business trustworthy.

A well-designed landing page can greatly increase conversions for your PPC or email marketing campaigns.
Landing pages (or squeeze pages as they’re called) do something very simple – they collect email addresses from people who may or may not be willing to spend money with you in the future.
They give you their email address with the express consent that you can contact them in the future through email…
Video Creation
We are specialized in crafting creative, unique and value-added videos.
We believe video should deliver results. Our approach combines expertise & passion with a deep understanding of you and your audience to make videos that engage, inspire and compel people to act.
We want to create collaborative relationships, not cut-throat ‘business as usual’. We continually push ourselves to do better, and we challenge everyone we work with too.